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 Den dansk-norske kolonien St.Croix 

 Karibien, 1792 


4 juli - 11 juli - 2015


How do you find hope and keep your humanity when everyday life is a hopeless, inhuman situation?

How does the horrible become ordinary?

St. Croix is a larp that aims to explore how people adjust to extreme living conditions. Finding hope amidst injustice. How we excuse treating other people as less than human. How easily the abnormal becomes normal - "just the way it is". But also how love, joy and pride are kept alive. Staying human in an inhumane society.

The role of the Scandinavian countries in the transatlantic slave trade is less known and well-documented than that of USA and the UK. The larp is set in the Danish-Norwegian Colony of St. Croix in the Danish West Indies, Caribbean.

Hillerød Estate on the island of St. Croix is a relatively small estate where slaves are "treated fairly", where people know each other well, and the slaves outnumber the free (like everywhere else in the colony).
Some of the slaves have been working on a neighbouring plantation for a while, and are coming back. The family who owns the estate are expecting rare visitors, from Denmark. There will be reunions and first meetings for everyone. Two of the slaves are getting married.
But mostly, life continues as always.

The larp's focus is on culture, everyday life and relationships. We hope everyone will experience how the institution of slavery influences all of this. The long duration of the larp will hopefully encourage playing at a calm pace and time to experience nuances and moments of small, but significant interactions.
All slave characters will do some kind of work to enhance the everyday and the sense of being a slave.

There will be extensive preparations onsite before we start playing, where we will workshop culture, relations, playing techniques, and hopefully create trust between the players.
After playing a couple of days, there will be an act break where you'll have time to talk about what kind of play/story you would like from the rest of the larp (and time to take a breather from playing).  We will also determine what has happened ingame during the break - when we start playing again, six months will have passed.

Signup has started, but we still have some spots left.

Language:  All information in Norwegian.


Playing languages: Norwegian, Danish, Swedish (and maybe a bit of English). We welcome players from Denmark and Sweden!






  • Utforske hvordan en ekstrem samfunnstruktur påvirker grupper og deg som individ.

  • Overlevelsesstrategier (hvordan beholde menneskelighet, glede og håp)



  • Ta historien og de som gjennomlevde den, på alvor

  • Slavekultur, samfunn og hverdagsliv

  • Sosiale strukturer og rangordninger i begge leire. (Slave og fri)

  • Spill på slaveproblematikk

  • Nyanserte og komplekse relasjoner innad i og på tvers av grupperinger

  • Ingen roller vil være uberørt av slaveriet. Temaet gjennomsyrer hverdagen og påvirker forholdet til andre mennesker.



  • Inlaiv rasisme: Ja. Offlaiv rasisme og flåsing med temaet: Nei.

  • Grundig for- og etterarbeid (debrief) på laivstedet

  • Workshop av kultur, sosiale strukturer og spillteknikker på laivstedet før laiven

  • Laiven er delt i to akter. Mellom akt I og II vil det ha gått noe tid inlaiv. I pausen mellom aktene vil vi snakke om hva som har skjedd i denne tiden. Her får man et lite pusterom og kan snakke om hva slags spill man ønsker videre.

  • Noen spillere (et begrenset antall) vil få mulighet til å få en ny rolle mellom aktene og dermed oppleve laiven fra to ståsteder. Dette vil også gi en ny dynamikk i alle grupperingene.



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